What YOU Need To Know About Gen Z | Chandler Boyce

Generation Z is the world’s current generation of teens and young adults. There are differing estimates as to when Millennials left off and Gen Z began, but most researchers place the birth years between 1995-2012, making the oldest Gen Zer about age 25 and the youngest about age 8. Research on this cohort of young people shows that they are not just Millennials 2.0. Each generation is shaped by unique circumstances and influences that help form their generational hallmarks.
For Gen Z those influences certainly include growing up on the internet and social media and living in a world that is constantly accelerated and changed by digital platforms.
Gen Z has also witnessed some of the world’s milestone events during their formative years:
- The economic recession of 2008
- The election and re-election of the first African American president of the United States
- The legalization of gay marriage
- The COVID-19 global pandemic
Research helps us examine the world these young people are growing up in and the effects they say it is having on them. In this report, we share some of OneHope’s research on today’s teens alongside other studies and statistics that help shed insight on Generation Z in the United States.
Three in four Gen Z’ers in the United States indicate they have friends from different backgrounds, races, and beliefs.
This is not surprising considering diversity within North America has increased with every passing generation. Today’s teens are the most diverse the world has ever seen. Almost half (48%) of Generation Z in the United States are non-caucasian, Almost half (48%) of Generation Z in the United States are non-caucasian, compared to only 18% of Baby Boomers when they were children and teens. Racial diversity is not the only thing increasing.
According to a 5-year study of people in the United States, the number of young people who identify as LGBT is steadily increasing while older generations are remaining the same.
Another study revealed that as many as 1 in 3 U.S. Gen Z’ers say they are LGBT. “People question [their gender] because it’s popular to question,” said a teen in a focus group OneHope conducted in 2019. Another teen said, “It’s almost worshipped. If you are transgender or struggling with this, it’s cool."
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