This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Social Media Graphic (JPG), & Message Intro and Promo (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
This event is a new spin on the classic Halloween party. Don't just get your students to show up, get them to get G'd up from the feet up, invite up, and show up for an awesome time. Some cool ideas would be to have a live DJ, prizes for best dressed, a dance battle, or anything else you can think of to theme it out!
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide Template (JPG/PSD), Social Media Graphic (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Flyer Template (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), & Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
School is back in session and it's that time a year. This event is all about taking advantage of homecoming season! Throw a Hip-Hop Homecoming event with a DJ, dance party, Photo Booth, and encourage your students to dress up and come G'd up from the feet up!
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide Template (JPG/PSD), Social Media Graphic (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Flyer Template (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), & Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
How To Love is a sermon series that teaches Christians how to date the right way. This series is a great way to open up the topic of love, dating, and relationships in the church.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Message intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
This series is designed to help you teach on the topic of humility. With a world that says its all about being first and all about being noticed, we have to lead students to discover that the greatest life to live is a life of humility. This series will help you creatively capture your students' attention while speaking biblical truth about the life that God desires them to live.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Flyer (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), Countdown (MP4), & Message Outlines (DOC).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
Image Issues is a series all about image. We all have image issues and our culture tells us the outside is what matters most, but in reality, God is more concerned with what is going on with the inside of our lives. Use this series to creatively talk to about where our true identity comes from.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
Keep It 100 is a series all about keeping it real. Utilize this series to talk about some of the raw and real issues we face like death, heaven, hell, or sin. Too often we dance around real issues and this generation needs us to Keep It 100!
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Flyer (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), & Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
Keep Your Streak is a creative series about the importance of consistency. Keeping a streak is doing something consistently over time. During this series we are challenging students to start three types of streaks: reading their Bibles, talking with God, and serving.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Flyer (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), Countdown (MP4), Message Outlines (DOC), & Small Group Notes (DOC).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
Kings & Queens is a series about the condition of the heart. All of us are looking to fill the longings of our hearts. We all have a desire to love and to be loved. As you look around culture it is easy to see people of all ages gambling with their hearts and ending up on the losing end. This series is designed to help students realize that the only sure bet for their heart is to put it in the hands of Jesus.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Flyer (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), Countdown (MP4), Message Outlines (DOC), & Small Group Notes (DOC).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Flyer (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), & Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
This series is built off of the message Jesus presents in Matthew 5:14. It states, "You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden..." to teach us that we are to shine our light to others.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Invite Card Front (JPG/PSD), Invite Card Back (JPG/PSD), Flyer (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), & Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
If you are looking for a great series on identity, hiding, insecurity, or related topics, MASKS will help you creatively get students interested in what you want to teach. The truth is we all hide behind some type of mask but when we are truly connected with Christ the mask comes off and the person God beautifully created us to be is seen. There is no more hiding in Jesus, its time for the MASKS to come off!
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Invite Card Front (JPG/PSD), Invite Card Back (JPG/PSD), Flyer (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), & Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
We're called to thrive not just survive. This series teaches about how we all have things in our past that feel like they are holding us back, but in all reality, we have been given a helper to remind us that we are not held back by our past. We have victory through Jesus!
God has promised us a great future and on the journey toward our future, we can rest assure that even in our weakest moments that we will always have help and redemption.
My City, My Responsibility is a sermon series to commission students to take responsibility and ownership of the great commission in their own community, circles, and schools.
The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Message Outlines (DOC).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
Neon Night can be utilized as a fun filled night with glow sticks, neon face paint, black lights and more. Use Neon Night as an outreach event, plan out a memorable night, and have fun!
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide Template (JPG/PSD), Social Media Graphic (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Flyer Template (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), & Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
New Creation People is a series to teach people how to step out of their old ways of life and step into a new lifestyle given to them through salvation.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG), Message Slide (JPG), Social Media Square (JPG), Social Media Story (JPG), Flyer (JPG), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), Countdown (MP4), Message Outlines (DOC), & Small Group Content (DOC).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
New Creation People is a series to teach people how to step out of their old ways of life and step into a new lifestyle given to them through salvation.
Verse(s): 2 Corinthians 5:14-21, Matthew 4:1-11, Phillippians 4:19, James 4:7
This series includes two outlines.
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
Living in a new normal is hard, but don't do it alone. Psalm 23:4 says, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Take this series to teach your church how to trust God with what's next despite what has happened.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Invite Card Front (JPG/PSD), Invite Card Back (JPG/PSD), Flyer (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), & Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
This sermon series is based on the scripture 2 Corinthians 5:17 and teaches students that they have the ability to become the person that God wants them to be.
The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Invite Card Front (JPG/PSD), Invite Card Back (JPG/PSD).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
A great series about how no one is perfect and being genuine is always the best way to live.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
A sermon series about how real influence doesn't always mean fame.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Invite Card Front (JPG/PSD), Invite Card Back (JPG/PSD), Flyer (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), & Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.
God created each human being with a grand purpose! The sermon series, On Purpose, is centered around this foundational truth. God wants every one of his children to be empowered by the truth that he intentionally made everyone in His likeness. Our lives were meant to reflect his purpose, and becuase of that, this series teaches that we were created for more.
This package can be used as-is or edited to fit your needs. The following assets are available: Main Graphic (JPG/PSD), Message Slide (JPG/PSD), Social Media Square (JPG/PSD), Social Media Story (JPG/PSD), Flyer (JPG/PSD), Message Intro and Promo (MP4), Social Media Story (MP4), & Countdown (MP4).
Do you need a custom sermon series? Well we've got you taken care!
We can also edit any series and take care of any other design needs you may have.